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Horizon by Guy Laroche is a subtle, yet powerful scent for men. This fragrance is perfect for any time of day. Horizon combines citrus and lavender scents with tones of wood and sweet spices to create a cologne perfect for any occasion. First introduced in 1993, this cologne has been widely used by men for day-to-day activities. Lightly apply this subtle scent to your neck or wrists and feel ready to take on whatever the day throws at you.

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Customer Reviews

I just finished trying this perfume, and the top notes are indeed sharp and medicinal. I'm still waiting for the flavor to come out afterwards.

Written by yifan zhang on December 10, 2024

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It is a clean smell. Its a good smell…But it seems identical to the smell of old school irish springs soap. Its so early 90’s. Great for nostalgia.

Written by Adam C on May 27, 2024

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Green earthy, well balanced cheapie. I like wearing Horizon while outside working.

Written by OKBassPlayer on January 22, 2024

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Very green and watery with a certain tartness to it. Good performance and a bit 'old school'

Written by OKBassPlayer on August 31, 2023

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Think Drakkar Noir with a bolder smack of citrus and lilacs, instead of anise, and you're on the right path. Much like Polo Blue It is soapy and dry with oceanic undertow. Use this product sparingly. Again, go lightly. It is amazingly strong for the price point and it lasts. One squirt to rub on all of your sweet spots and you will be set for an evening out, or a day at the courts. One squirt too many and you'll smell like an air freshener has just entered the premises.

Written by Hunting the perfect fragrance. on January 14, 2022

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