Mont Blanc Presence

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Made for the casual woman, Mont Blanc Presence by Mont Blanc can be worn in a number of social situations. Its intriguing mix of sandalwood, pineapple and vanilla creates an aroma that is both spicy and floral. This unique combination has made Mont Blanc Presence the fragrance of choice for the woman looking to make an impression since its introduction in 2002. Whether you wear it out with friends or at home with your family, this perfume is the perfect complement to your sense of style.
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For years, Mont Blanc has produced fragrances that combine stylishness and charm with fun and personality. A perfect example would be Mont Blanc Presence. This casual but romantic and intriguing men's fragrance, introduced in 2001, is a rich and mature scent for a variety of occasions. It provides its wearer a sense of contemporary elegance marked by notes of cinnamon, ginger, apple, musk and teak. It's an exceedingly manly fragrance that emanates energy and adventure, and it's great for a variety of activities.
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Mont Blanc Presence

Mont Blanc Presence

Mont Blanc Presence

eau de toilette


2 sizes available

Up to 15% OFF Retail
4.6 Stars (16 Reviews)
Mont Blanc Presence

Mont Blanc Presence

Mont Blanc Presence

eau de toilette

women 20% OFF Retail
4.7 Stars (20 Reviews)

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Mont Blanc Presence great fragrance the ladies love it

Written by orlandoslb on April 24, 2014

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L.G This is a great fragrance Mont Blanc presence was made with great love such great love. I love this fragrance, thank you so much. I'm going to get me some more of this good stuff.

Written by king Louis on March 03, 2014

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Monte Blanc Presence for men is a very attractive fragrance that all females enjoy. It is sexy!

5 Stars

Written by George from Ohio on September 30, 2013

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This fragrance is really great! My favorite!. My wife loves it.

5 Stars

Written by Alexandre Pozzetti on April 26, 2013

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I have used this before and my wife love it,she also used this brand and eventually I had to drive 2.5 hours to the nearest dealer and pay the price which is higher than yours. Thank you. Herbert Lopez

5 Stars

Written by lopezlegacy on April 04, 2013

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1 - 5 (of 20 Reviews)