Perfume & Cologne

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A dreamy and romantic sensation encoded by the colour extravaganza of Salvatore Ferragamo. The wish of pure love sealed in the subtle explosion of dandelion petals. A refined and dazzling potion of flowers and tantalizing juicy notes.
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Incanto Bloom

Incanto Bloom

Incanto Bloom

eau de toilette

women 27% OFF Retail
4.7 Stars
Incanto Bloom

Incanto Bloom

Incanto Bloom

body lotion

women 26% OFF Retail

1 - 5 (of 8 Reviews)

My son's favorite perfume for me to wear is Incanto Bloom. It smells for sure like a garden rioting in joy. It just screams FLOWERS but is not very sweet, smells very much as flowers really smell. I will be wearing this forever !

5 Stars

Written by greycatt55 on November 20, 2014

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Incanto Bloom is my most loved fragrance. I wear it all the time, and people always ask what am I wearing.

5 Stars

Written by Anonymous on April 27, 2014

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Incanto Bloom is the first Ferragamo perfume I have tried. I wear it everyday and I even put it on my bed pillows sometimes. That's how much I love it. The sweet flower scent is not over powering. I get asked what are you wearing you smell so good. I am looking forward to trying more of Ferragamo's fragrance's in the near future. I like smelling good and getting the complements.

Written by Anonymous on April 25, 2014

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Incanto Bloom has a very sweet smell that diminishes as you wear it-it blends with your chemistry-I'm a huge flowery scent person-this one hits the mark-but be careful and let it settle down before going out

4 Stars

Written by Valerie on March 24, 2014

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Incanto Bloom is a very nice frangrance that lasts a long time but is not overpowering when sprayed. It won't offend others when you wear it as some do by being too strong and yet I was complimented on it and the bottle is very beautiful.

Written by Anonymous on December 26, 2013

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1 - 5 (of 8 Reviews)