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Customer Reviews

It is very strong. Just not for me. Thank you.

Written by Hobbs on September 03, 2021

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I ordered this because I have tried the L'Artisan fragrances before and like them. This was the exception. First, there was no description or brand inf. to preview the fragrance. The initial spray was too abrasive. It does dry down to give a sweeter, milder scent, but then it fades to nothing. There is no personality, as I would expect with a quality scent. It's like a designer had some scents left over at the end of a session, dumped them together and offer this at discount. Not good.

Written by barbdallas on June 11, 2020

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I generally like this brand, but hesitated because there was no discription of the fragrance. But, from the name, it sounded workable. It wasn't. The harshness of the first impact, too much citrus...made it unpleasant, even when it softened. This is the second "bad" fragrance I've gotten in the 10 years I've used the site.

Written by barbdallas on June 07, 2020

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