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4 piece variety with cubano gold, silver, bronze & copper and all are edt spray 2 oz
Smell great every day while giving off a decidedly masculine vibe with the scents of this Cubano variety set for men. Each of the four scents is packaged in a cigar-shaped container that evokes the popular Cuban cigars. The first scent, Cubano Gold, was introduced in 1987 and features bergamot and vetiver, Cubano Silver is a daytime fragrance with spices and mint, while Cubano Bronze offers a sweeter aroma with notes of spice and sweet flowers. Cubano Copper contains notes of mint and orange blossom for a clean, fresh scent.

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Customer Reviews

It's a different fragrance,very delightful according to my girls. It will remain in my Arsenal of cologne s

Written by Mario on December 26, 2018

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