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Customer Reviews

Considering the price, I was hugely disappointed. It smells to me of grass and freesia..... I was looking for Chanel 22 and took a gamble that this one would be as good. It was NOT

Written by Sheranda B. on July 08, 2024

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Some grandmas shave old awful smelling perfumes bc there weren't many i dunno- to me Chanel #5 is One -reminds me of grandma perfume-not this!? My skin's very acidic-nothing smells same as on others-take into consider. Since like light florals, softer sents, hope its the usus..wow!..nice & softer fragrance thats out my budget-

Written by Kaylin on September 11, 2023

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Love Chanel # 19 I have been wearing this for long time .

Written by S.Davidson on December 20, 2021

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4 of 4 people found this review helpful.

If you are a young woman, this is not for you! Smells like my grandmother.

Written by Nikki M on June 16, 2020

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0 of 10 people found this review helpful.

Love Chanel 19 and SO happy to find it through you. Have worn it every day since I got it last week! Thank you.

Written by Pat in NH on May 23, 2020

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4 of 5 people found this review helpful.